Sunday, January 20, 2013

Post apocalyptic and positive?

Yep. I love The Walking Dead and if you want me to read a book or take up a new TV series, just give me a synopsis that includes the descriptor "post apocalyptic."

Seems contradictory, I know. But it isn't. I'm fascinated by the progressive challenges that the environments create for characters in post apocalyptic stories. There is a constant desire and struggle to maintain a sense of goodness or personal morals. I enjoy learning about how people overcome horrific situations, how they reinvent the world and society. I see these stories as analogies for the here and now.
Those who know me well, have heard me reference "the end times" when I learn of the latest bad news. The end times however can imply that the way we live now is going to change. 

Picture: Romantically Apocalyptic - artist Vitaly S Alexius
Being an optimist doesn't mean we cover our ears, close our eyes and repeat la la la la..., it means we work on getting closer to each other, to learn how to better care for our communities. 

It means we need to start thinking about surviving and to do so, we need each other and all of our creative solutions. If we do experience "the end times" in our lifetime, let's get busy changing things now! It certainly can't hurt.  

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